Page 8 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-2
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“We will continue to have a strong achieved with Alcoa of Australia,” Ms will underpin the Brookfield and Mac-
focus on developing and supporting the Vidgen said. quarie Capital Consortium’s commit-
growth of the Western Australian do- Len Chersky, Head of Private Equity for ment of future capital to the business’s
mestic gas market and consistent with Brookfield in Australia said the Con- gas assets.”
this, a long term gas supply agreement sortium of Brookfield and Macquarie The acquisition includes Apache En-
for the initial supply of 120 terajoules Capital has worked cohesively to bring ergy’s operating LNG interests in the
per day of natural gas, commencing together this exciting transaction. Reindeer and John Brooks fields, oper-
in 2020 has been entered into with “This portfolio provides strong underly- ating interests in the at Coniston-No-
Alcoa of Australia,” the consortium ing cashflows via its contracted domes- vara, Van Gogh and Stag oil fields and
announced. tic gas portfolio, production flexibility non-operating interests in the Pyrenees
“This long term contract with Alcoa and a great platform for growth, organi- and Macedon oil and gas fields.
will underpin the Brookfield and Mac- cally and through market consolidation, Apache’s interests in gas processing
quarie Capital Consortium’s commit- led by the strong local management facilities and associated infrastructure
ment of future capital to the business’s team,” Mr Chersky said. at Devils Creek, Varanus Island and
gas assets.” Macquarie and Brookfield said they Macedon are also included; and all
Kate Vidgen, Executive Director, will continue to have a strong focus on of Apache’s upstream acreage in the
Macquarie Capital said the company developing and supporting the growth Carnarvon, Exmouth and Canning
recognise and place a high value on the of the Western Australian domestic basins along with related hydrocarbon
partnerships that have been developed gas market and consistent with this, a reserves, resources and production.
over many years with customers, the long term gas supply agreement for the Brookfield and Macquarie Capital will
Western Australian Government and initial supply of 120 terajoules per day jointly manage and each initially hold
the community. of natural gas, commencing in 2020 a 50 per cent investment in the new
“A key focus of the business going has been entered into with Alcoa of concern.
forward will be to continue to develop Australia. The transaction is subject to necessary
these long term partnerships with high “This long term contract with Alcoa government and regulatory approvals.§
levels of alignment, such as has been

Oceaneering Opens New Headquarters in Perth

On 23rd February, Oceaneering Tooling rental fleet in the Asia Pacific sought after subsea capabilities in the
celebrated the official opening of the region, as well as Australia’s only subsea Australian market”, said Brett Smith,
company’s new Perth headquarters. Bill first response toolkit supporting the Oceaneering Australia Managing Direc-
Marmion, WA Minister for Mines and subsea operations of 13 Australian tor. “This multi-million dollar invest-
Petroleum, and Oceaneering Interna- operators. ment demonstrates our confidence in,
tional CEO Kevin McEvoy performed “Oceaneering has some of the most and commitment to, the Australian oil
the ribbon cutting honours, and guests and gas industry.”
were treated to a 10 station guided tour
of the campus.

Located in Jandakot, the purpose built Showcasing Oceaneering’s decommissioning In-house SIT capabilities
40,000 square metre site includes a 100 capabilities
tonne high bay overhead crane, NDT
inspection facilities, a dedicated ROV
service and mobilisation warehouse and
on-site integration testing facilities with
high pressure testing bays and water
test tank to simulate subsea conditions.
The facility also houses the largest ROV

A A06 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MAY/JUNE 2015
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