Page 20 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-5
P. 20

Indonesia seeks to Exploration
partner with for the Future
Papua New Guinea
to develop By George BARBER – Marketing Partner Terra Energy & Resource Technologies PLC
resources continue from issue 4..... and Terra’s methods.

By Marie RYAN We use 8 independent methods of The accuracy from the information
processing the data, if we see agreement given is extremely high. We can offer
The Indonesian government is planning between 2 or 3 or more methods, some- something like a 60-80% probability of
to cooperate with Papua New Guinea to thing has to be there! success, but again, a basic understand-
develop the national oil and gas sector Seismic has its limitations, it is not able ing of how this is achieved is required.
in Eastern Indonesia. to see through certain materials such Terra does NOT replace what the
The Energy and Mineral Resource Min- as basalt, seismic data is also subject explorer does; it simply enhances what
istry has launched a shift of focus on to interpretation, and no two experts they do.
exploration and exploitation of oil and will interpret data identically, even the
gas activities within the vicinity. computers will not do this. Geology is
Director General of Oil and Gas, I Gusti still a subjective science. Although dry
Nyoman Wiratmadja as cited by the holes have been greatly reduced by 3D
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Re- seismic technology, they have not been
source said private sectors also have the eliminated. Is satellite derived explo-
opportunity to take advantage of this ration technics full proof? Of course
cooperation he said in October. not, nothing is full proof or guaranteed
The collaboration will be done through in life, but if something can give you
the information exchange of oil and gas a 60/70% or even better probability of
policy of the two countries, feasibility drilling a successful hole, it has to be
of study and survey as well as in the better than a 10 or 20% success rate,
policy management for liquid natural which is normal today.
gas. These activities will be supervised
by the newly formed Indonesia-Papua The reason this happens, is that tradi- Provinces, regions, whole country’s,
New Guinea oil and gas task force. tional methods of exploration has not unexplored oil basins such as the 22
Wiratmadja said the task force was advanced sufficiently, we cannot detect unexplored basins in East Indonesia,
implemented from the Memorandum the hard to find, smaller and deeper re- geothermal potential areas, areas unex-
of Understanding created in 2013. For sources, if we could, dry holes, lengthy plored for minerals, covered by jungle,
the long term, Wiratmadja expects the and expensive seismic surveys would volcanic areas, greenfield, brownfield
collaboration will be included in a more not be required. The general feeling is areas, oil blocks that have produced can
realistic agreement. that drilling dry holes is part of the risk also be explored for potential oil that
Wiratmadja told the media that related for exploration, this should not be the remains (because it does), but again, an
State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) case, drilling a dry hole that can cost understanding of what we can do is
including PT Pertamina and PT Pupuk $100 million or more should not be required and why we say that Indonesia
Indonesia also have the chance to rake taken as a risk, you need to have more does need to do exploration with new
the advantages from the collaboration. than a 20% change of success. technology in order to be able to sub-
The fertilizer factory will also be incor- The table below gives a very good com- stantiate that they are resource rich.
porated in the development plan within parison between traditional methods
Eastern Indonesia’s border.
In a presentation to industry Wiratmaja
conveyed that Papua New Guinea owns
hefty oil and gas and mineral contents.
Unfortunately, little could only be
explored. “Indonesia has been focusing
on the western region,” he said. §

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