Page 8 - Oil&Gas-AustralAsia-2015-Issue-1
P. 8

New Satellite Correction Service

Fugro has further extended its technol- enhance the safety and productivity of a online, steadily increasing availability
ogy leadership in the field of GNSS aug- wide range of survey and other activi- and robustness of this integrated aug-
mentation systems for offshore position- ties offshore. G4 represents a significant mentation service.
ing applications with the launch of its advancement compared to augmenta- The new G4 service will be particularly
G4 service. The new satellite correction tion systems which are based on GPS beneficial when the line-of-sight to cer-
service is the first to take advantage of all only or GPS combined with its Russian tain satellites is obstructed by offshore
four GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite equivalent, GLONASS. structures - a key consideration during
Systems): GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and The BeiDou system operated by China critical positioning operations. The G4
Galileo. GNSS augmentation services currently provides coverage in the augmentation signals, transmitted via
significantly improve position accuracy Asia-Pacific region. Fugro’s G4 ser- seven high–powered communication
compared to unaided GNSS receivers, vice already utilises the first BeiDou satellites to provide at least two inde-
which are commonly used in the con- satellites and is ready to start using pendent broadcast channels anywhere
sumer sector. the Galileo satellites as soon the EU in the world, will offer Fugro’s custom-
announces Initial Operational Capabil- ers unrivalled coverage and availability.
By using all available GNSS satel- ity (IOC) status for this system. Galileo §
lites, Fugro’s G4 service is designed and future BeiDou satellites will be
to improve availability and reliability automatically included as they come
of offshore positioning and will thus

Fugro supports your offshore work

With a global network of reference • Starfix – Positioning servic- • Marinestar® Positioning
stations, monitoring signals from GNSS es for offshore construction vessels, Service (PS) – provides high accuracy
(GPS, GLONASS, Beidou and Galileo) survey operations, pipelay and cable lay positioning services in Coastal Areas
satellites and generating corrections to activities, seismic surveys, dive support, and Inland Waterways on various types
significantly improve the accuracy of FPSO installation and monitoring. of vessels such as Navy vessels, Hy-
unaugmented GNSS signals. Correction drographic vessels, Dredging vessels,
messages are transmitted to vessels via a • Seastar – Dynamic Positioning Research vessels, Wind farm support
robust, fault-tolerant broadcast infra- services (DP) – The very best DGNSS vessels and other specialist vessels.
structure, providing precise, reliable, positioning available for DP vessels • Marinestar® Manoeuvring Sys-
real-time satellite positioning that is or rigs worldwide such as Platform tem (MMS) – offers reliable, type-ap-
accurate worldwide, to just a few centim- Supply vessels (PSVs), Multi-Purpose proved position, speed and heading
eters. Vessels (MPVs), Anchor Handling Tugs inputs to vessel navigation systems used
(AHTs) and also Diving Support Vessels by the Merchant Navy. MMS assists
Our innovative positioning infrastruc- (DSVs), Drill Ships and Drilling Rigs large vessels with berthing manoeuvers
ture and expert staff have ensured a operating on DP. Its precise, relia- and measures dynamic trim to improve
quality-controlled and cost-effective ble, high-accuracy differential GNSS energy efficiency. §
positioning service to the offshore correction service is optimised for
industry for over 30 years. Based on our dynamic positioning and other safety
proprietary infrastructure, hardware critical applications which require 24/7
and software, we provide a wide range availability and full redundancy under
of GNSS based positioning and correc- the most demanding conditions.
tion services:

A A06 OIL & GAS ustral SIA MARCH/APRIL 2015
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